2008 April broken lcd wallpaper


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DJ Mixerr: OOH! What that?
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artanis: tags++

It's a wallpaper designed to imitate a broken LCD screen. Drop it into your victim's My Pictures folder, set it as the wallpaper, hide desktop icons and the taskbar and any panels (so there is only the wallpaper showing,) disable the screen saver and set power management to not turn off the monitor.

When they come back, first glance will look like something blunt shattered the LCD. Like a baseball bat.

Remember to hide the cursor, no sense giving it away because the mouse cursor is mysteriously displaying right when the LCD is supposedly busted enough to go static.
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Anonymous1: of curacies
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Anonymous2: NIGGERS
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DJMixerr: OK! Thanx!!
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Anonymous3: Anonymous 2 you Cracker
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DJMixerr: Anon 2 and Anon 3
Don't be racist here! Do that somewhere else on the web.
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Anonymous4: its just ppl dont have a life.