crossplay lucky_star


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Tagscrossplay, lucky_star
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Shish: I find this terrifying :3
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artanis: I don't know which is scarier, the creepiness of the suits, or knowing that it's probably 4 guys in them...
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Anonymous1: why is crossplay and not cosplay?
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Shish: If you don't know, you don't want to know <_<
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Anonymous2: make this shit php4 compatible (and no bullshit conversion scripts that are ultimate fail) so i can use it on my website

im using an old version 0.8.3 because the author sucks at php
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Shish: if you want to be the one to deal with all the php4 bugs and brokenness, patches would be welcome; if you want to get free stuff without doing any work, then ask politely and wait patiently :)
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Shish: also, note that php5 is like 5 years old; several major webapps as well as the php team themselves are planning on dropping support for it. if your host hasn't updated yet, i'd suggest switching hosts... hell, i'll even offer free imageboard hosting to php4 victims, if that'd help :)
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Anonymous3: Message to Anonymous - If you think this is shit, why do you want to use it on your website? Or is your website shit and you want shit-compatible applications to fit in with it? What is your website anyway? I'm sure the rest of us would like to have a laugh looking at it.......
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Shish: (hax for too many anonymouses making the conversation confusing; I've marked my own posts, which were anon as I was posting from a phone~)
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Anonymous4: original anon here:

shish what is the latest php4 compat version. im using 0.8.3 and my hosting (1and1gayfags) dont have php5 even though they said they do
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Anonymous5: guess he doesnt even know the answer
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Shish: Argh browser crash ate my post :(

0.8.4 is the latest php4 compatible at the moment, but the biggest block to compatability for v2 has been worked around, now just leaving the hundreds of tiny blocks :3

Also note; I have two full time jobs and am writing shimmie in my spare time, being offensive isn't going to make me work any faster. Unless you want to pay me for my programming time ($20/hour would be enough to get me to put one of my main jobs on hold, I'd guess php4 compat + testing would take 3-4 hours), or you want to do it yourself, STFU and wait :)
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Anonymous6: dunno if 100 bux is worth it

why was there even a move to php5?
php5 is fail :/
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Anonymous7: 1and1 has php5 support If you had read the faq or the forums. but you need to use .php5, there's a solution to that on the shishnet forums srsly.

And if you don't like php5 I would consider switching to Ruby On Rails, you could use the akibakko software which is Ruby on Rails + MySql so you can find most hosts that can handle it.
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Anonymous8: no, akibakko is teh suckass fail
but firstly, ruby on rails is failurize

the less requirements, the better
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Anonymous9: Still 1&1 has php4 & 5 as you can see in so don't make a fuss of something it's not true
See: If you read the forums you will see how to make shimmie work on 1&1 fags with their rule of php5 using .php5 as extension. It's just like 20secs in a .htaccess file
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Anonymous10: you fail to understand.
learn how to read
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Anonymous11: And why is PHP5 'the fail'?
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Anonymous12: You first say 1and1 doesn't have php5 and now you say it's because it's "the fail", I'm not sure who is the one who doesn't know how to read.

Also provide some technical and numerical details (if you know what that means) why is php4 superior than php5.
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Anonymous13: any updates on the situation here
php5 is still autofail
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Anonymous14: GTFO
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Fucking seconded, troll
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Shish: PHP4 is dead in under two months --> <-- I still have "PHP4 support" on the to-do list, it's just a low priority right now (patches always welcome~)
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Anonymous16: ^^ good crossplay I'd glomp em no matter what gender the person was inside!