extension screenshot shimmie tagger


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Tagsextension, screenshot, shimmie, tagger
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shuugo: What's that deleted on the admin block? :O
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artanis: An extension in progress. Check the previous image for evidence of me failing at blurring.
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shuugo: I see. You probably would want to blurry your ip XD
Also /r/ing that image if possible
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artanis: yeah. I'm all sorts of blur fail.

@/r - http://shimmie.shishnet.org/v2/post/view/1756
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Shish: People seem to not know that you can just write eg >>1756 , and that'll always point at the right place even if the site moves; not sure where I can make the formatting codes known though...
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artanis: While I was writing Tagger the first time, I thought it would be nice to have an extension for things like that.

For example, Extensions provide an "about.php" and and another extension (cleverly named "About" in my notes) would import and display it in /about/$ext.
Doing it centrally would enable it to build a whole help/about system encompassing every extension with an about.php and in a consistent style.