Image UploaderShish, December 8, 2007; 11:36TagssvgSource LinkUnknownLockedNo CommentsDecember 10, 2007; 01:57 - ReplyAnonymous1: Is this working yet?December 11, 2007; 10:26 - ReplyShish: Hrm, works if you set "DefaultType image/svg+xml" in the .htaccess, but then *all* images are sent as xml >:|December 11, 2007; 10:35 - ReplyShish: Hums, fixed as a bit of a hack -- now SVG images are served via shimmie, which is an extra database hit per SVG image view, but it works...December 13, 2007; 08:18 - ReplyAnonymous2: Note for opera users: SVG requires "Enable inline frames" in display options. Also - closed tag "<object ... /><embed ... /></object>"December 13, 2007; 15:27 - ReplyShish: Aha, and fixing the tag closing also seems to have fixed the need for the loading hack \o/December 15, 2007; 12:57 - ReplyAnonymous3: ...I don't see anything....December 15, 2007; 13:42 - ReplyShish: Do you have a browser with SVG support?December 15, 2007; 21:30 - ReplyAnonymous4: (different anon) It isn't working in Firefox. Isn't it supposed to be possible to associate file name extensions with specific MIME Types? And are you CERTAIN that the +XML is supposed to be in there? Link to Post BBCode Link Thumb File HTML Link Thumb File Plain Text Link Thumb File
Also - closed tag "<object ... /><embed ... /></object>"