And nesting:
A bolded, italicized, and underlined sentence.
Quoting & Code
>>A 4chan style line quote.
A simple BBCode Quote
Erik said: An attributed BBCode Quote
BBCode Code tag.
[b]All[/b] [url=]BBCode[/url] tags [i]inside[/i] are [u]left alone[/u].
Whitespace is
left alone.
Emoticon codes are left alone and are not replaced with their images. :mad:
The black-on-black for a highlight-to-reveal effect in formatted, rot13 in stripped, and hides text from people who don't wish to know what it says.
Text Formatting Test
BBCode Extension
Formatting provided by the BBCode extension.
Standard Formatting
Strikethrough[color=red]Colored Text[/color]
And nesting:
A bolded, italicized, and underlined sentence.
Quoting & Code
>>A 4chan style line quote.
The black-on-black for a highlight-to-reveal effect in formatted, rot13 in stripped, and hides text from people who don't wish to know what it says.
List tags. Not much abstracting here. Can use the * tag to make list items, or use li in brackets, or mix and match.
Ordered ("ol")
Unordered ("ul")
List Nesting
[li] Unordered List; Using the 'li' tag; multiple lines
Emoticon Extension
Replaces text inside colons - ": :" with an embedded image with a name matching the text. :wink:
yes it is
prolly not